
4)Versatility:-Computer is versatile machine .It can be used in wide range of application and various fields,such as communication,education,business,printing and publishing,astronomy etc.

5)Storage capacity:- A computer can storge large amount of data and information which can be retrieved when ever required .This large storage capacity is achieved through auxiliary or secondary memory in computer.Storage capacity of computer is measured in terms of bytes,kilobytes,megabytes,gigabytes.The following table helps converting from one to another storage units.

4 bits                                     1 Nibble

8 bits(b)                                1 Byte(B)

1024 B                                   1 KiloByte(KB)

1024 KB                                1 Mega Byte(MB)

1024 MB                               1 Giga Byte(GB)

1024 GB                                1 Tera Byte(TB)

6)Automatic:- Once we give the data and instruction to a  computer,it can work automatically. It can perform given task independently.

7)Reliability:-Computer have immovable parts which do not wear and tear quickly.So they have long life span and are more reliable.It provides correct result if the Input Data and instructions are correct.So,we can rely on the output of the computer.

8)Technically:-it is technically supports which is doing the any functions without electronic properties it can not do the any work process.

9)modernized:- it is most advance type of the scientific machine which is developing according to time and it is changed day by day. It’s parts are converted in the people’s demanded.

10)Multiple Machine:- it is doing the multiple work .Maximum services are giving the people from the many external and internal parts which is produced day by day from the many technology company.