1)It  is relatively expensive machine so that it cannot use all people and few people are used in the self services.
2)It is increasing the unemployment in the world day by day so that home ware will being in the future.
3)It is monopoly technology machine. It is taking the all market on the another machine and another  machine’s company is closing cause of the computer’s product.
4)People are being the lazy person due to the computer.They do not want to do the any hardwork so that physically exercise is decreased day by day which is not good things for the people.
5)It is killed the eye’s sight power and It is killed the sexual power of the people.
6)It is killing the next education demand so that mantel power is decreased of the people which is most important things of the people.In  the future  people will cannot get next education and they will be lack of from the education.
7)people are being the one sighted person due to the computer when the people are used the computer they can not thing about the another matters.
8)It is opened the any secrete matters of the any people so the it is attacked the personal life of the people and they can not live with the free life.
9)Data is most important things for the any people and office any cause of  computer’s parts data can be distorted and opened at that time all things are presented in the market and maximum loss will be of the people and office.
10)People will be disease in the future because of the computer’s habit so that any time computer never use.