·             Computer may be defined as an electronic processing machine which accepts the data,internally process the data according to the predefined instructions,produces the results through processing and store those results for the future use.
· Computer has several capabilities such as speed,accurancy,diligence,versatility,
Storage capacity,automatically operating capacity and reliability.
·  The speed fo computer in measured in terms of  millinseconds(ms)=10-2sec,micro-
Seconds(us) = 10-6sec,nanoseconds(ns) = 10-9sec and picoseconds(ps) = 10-12sec.
·    The Storage capacity of the computer is measured in terms of bytes,kilobytes,me
Gabytes,gigabytes and terabytes.
·  Computers are used for wide variety of applications such as Business,Banking,
Medicine and Health Care,Education,Space Technology,Transportation and Com-
Munication,Music and Entertainment and so on.
·    (Computer Assisted Learning)and CAI(Computer Assisted) are the new technologies and in educational sector do disseminate knowledge more effective-
Ly and efficiently.