Sometime the windows cannot show the entire content inside it if the content is larger than the current size of the windows.In such conditions vertical or horizontal bars appear on the right side or bottom side of the window called scroll bars.The scroll bars are moved to view the content of the window that is not visible .Some keyboards shortcuts are also used to view the content of the windows.They are presented in the table below:
Key | Functions |
Page Up | To move one window |
Page Down | To move one window down |
Home | To move to the beginning of line |
End | To move to the end of the line |
Ctrl+End | To move to the end of the document |
Ctrl+Home | To move to the beginning of the document |
Dialog Box
Dialog box is special purpose window to give information to program .Dialog box appear on your screen when windows or which based program needs information or requires you to confirm an action.Dialog boxes look a bit like window,but don't have all the features of window.
For example ,they have title bars,but not tool bars. You can move them but not re size them .You can close them close them but not minimize them.Most dialog boxes are intuitive,usually asking for a simple .Yes No or OK .Some are more complicated,especially those used for change settings.
Dialog boxes that are used to change system setting are subdivide into tabbed categories,like a real file folder or card file.The following illustration shows the Date / Time Properties dialog Box.
Each tab has a heading ,which categorizes the information on that tab.Click on the tab to change from one to another.
Check box:-
It helps to select the options.The option is selected when checked ,Click to check or to clear.
When it is clicked the pointer into a question mark.Now click on an object for an explanation of it.
Drop down list:
Click the arrow to open a list of options to select from.
Apply button:
Click to change setting but not to close dialog box
Cancel button:
Click to close the dialog box without changing any settings.
Ok button:
Click to close the dialog box and change setting as indicated.
Save As Dialog Box
The save as dialog box appears when you want to save file from any windows based application .Following illustrations shows the details of the Save as Dialog Box.
Save in drop down box:
It allows to select the drive or folder where you want to save the file.
File name box:
It allows you to specify the name of the file.
File type drop down box:
It allows you to select the file type of the document.
save button:
It allows you to save the file with the name specified in the file name box, in the drive or folder you have selected in the save in drop down box.
Cancel button.
To cancel the task and close the dialog box.
For example ,they have title bars,but not tool bars. You can move them but not re size them .You can close them close them but not minimize them.Most dialog boxes are intuitive,usually asking for a simple .Yes No or OK .Some are more complicated,especially those used for change settings.
Dialog boxes that are used to change system setting are subdivide into tabbed categories,like a real file folder or card file.The following illustration shows the Date / Time Properties dialog Box.
Each tab has a heading ,which categorizes the information on that tab.Click on the tab to change from one to another.
Check box:-
It helps to select the options.The option is selected when checked ,Click to check or to clear.
When it is clicked the pointer into a question mark.Now click on an object for an explanation of it.
Drop down list:
Click the arrow to open a list of options to select from.
Apply button:
Click to change setting but not to close dialog box
Cancel button:
Click to close the dialog box without changing any settings.
Ok button:
Click to close the dialog box and change setting as indicated.
Save As Dialog Box
The save as dialog box appears when you want to save file from any windows based application .Following illustrations shows the details of the Save as Dialog Box.
Save in drop down box:
It allows to select the drive or folder where you want to save the file.
File name box:
It allows you to specify the name of the file.
File type drop down box:
It allows you to select the file type of the document.
save button:
It allows you to save the file with the name specified in the file name box, in the drive or folder you have selected in the save in drop down box.
Cancel button.
To cancel the task and close the dialog box.