Wednesday, May 9, 2012


   *computer's ware:-The group of the  working parts of the computers are called computer's is done all type of the work from the many ware which is known the computer's ware.
  *type of the computer's ware:-
    *1)hardware:-it is physical parts of the computer which is taken  the fix area and which have fix size,height,area and weight and it can touch and fill the properties from the hand directly and it can transfer the  hither and dither from one place and another place with the easily.
    it is structure of the computer which is divided in the many parts and every parts are done the many type of the work in the every self field and every part's properties are difference main ware of the computer.
  *names and functions of the hardware of the computer:-
*most important parts of the computer:- 
*cpu or cachine (central process unit)
*mouse pad
*using important parts of the computer:-
*wave camera
*tv turnner card
*pen drive
*magnetic card
*mobile equipment
*3 and 4 in machine
*introduction of the important part of the computer:-
*cpu or cashin(central process unit):- it is used the operate(boot) the computer and it most advance and important part of the hardware and without cpu computer never operate.
*monitor(screen):-it is diplayed the all matters of the computer which is used for seeing all function and user(operator) is working according to monitor display.
*keyboard :- it is used to type the all letters, numbers and all signs of the computer which is displayed in the monitor without keyboard operator can not type any things in the computer.
*mouse:-it is helped for operating the function and it is used for done forward function from the mouse.
*mousepad:-it is helped the mouse for doing the function
*introduction of the using parts of the computer:-
*printer:-it is done the print out of the any finished document from the many paper,plastic and many equipments.
*type of the printer:- 
*digital or laser  printer:- it is used to do print out  of the  finishing documents of the office from the many type
of the papers.
*3 and 4 in machine printer:-it is done the multiple work for the example: photocopy,faxing,printing and scannig
*press printer:- it is used for advertisement of the business advertise which is done the print out in the many
useable equipment.
*type of the press printer:- 
*screen printing press:-it is used to simple type of the work in the press media and it is done the simple type the printing press for the people.
*offset press printer:- it is most advance type of the printer in the present time which is using in the all field in the press media and every books,newspaper,notebooks,magazine and all types papers are done the announcement from the offset printer.
*rotogravure press:- it is new technology for the printing press.

*scanner machine:- it is used for taking the any matters under the computer and it is done the opposite work of the is put the any matters in the computer with the easily.
*wave camera :- it is taken the picture of the any  people and put it inside in the computer
*tv tunner cards:- it is used for display the television programs in the computer and it is taken the internment for the all people
*speaker :- it is used for taking the sound and any voice for the people.
*microphone:- it is used to do the phoning for the people.Which is most popular for the people in the internment and communication field.
*pen drive:-  it is using for transfer the any data from the on computer in another computer and it is stored the any data of the any system.
*magnetic cards:- it is used the any data and transfer the data from one to another with the easily
*mobile quipment :- it is used for put the many parts of the mobile phone.
*3 and 4 in machine:- it is done the multiple works(printing,scanning,photocopy,fax) etc.
*2)software:-  it is most special ware of the system which is operated the computer. it is only display in the
monitor which can not touch from the hand directly. which have not any fix size,area,height and weight only see it from the eye fill its properties from the our mind.
     without software computer can not do the any work for the  people and it is life for the all hardware parts so the it is most important things for the all hardware parts.In the present time new type of the software is developed day by day and it is done the many type of the works.
     it is given the difference type of the services and which is produced according the time and demanding order so that it is  many types in the present times.
 *types of the software:-
  1)operating system software
  2)windows application software(office package programs)
  3)programming software
*1)operating system software:-  it is first and main software for the any system and it is used for operate the system in the first time and without the operating system never boot. in the present time many types of the operating systems are presented and it is given the many types of the facility for the all people in the the world.
example:- ms dos,windows 98,windows professional 2000,windows advance server 2000,windows professional  2000 xp,windows professional 2003 xp,windows advance server 2003,windows professional 2007,windows advance server  2007,windows professional 2010 ,lines,unes etc.
*2)windows application software(office package programs):- it is windows software which is used in the any office for creating the documents,storing the data,calculate the any calculation and creating the simple and advance type of the programs for do the many serivces in the many field
    it is giving the many services to the all people in the all field and it is most popular software for the people in
their life.So that done the any programs there are must necessary for using it.
example:-Microsoft word(winword),Microsoft excel,Microsoft power point,Microsoft access,Microsoft front page etc.

*3)programming software:-   it is most advance type of the software which is used to create the many types of the operating system,windows programs and all types of the software is father of the all software which is used in the any field for creating the required software according to market's's language is most advance without knowledge of the programming software operator can not created  the demanding software.Example:-c,c++,vc++,c#,java,oracle,visual basic,visual,,system query language(sql) server etc.
                  *type of the programming software:-

*1) windows base programming software:-
*2)dos base programming software:-
*3)database programming software:-
*4)internet base programming software:-

*1)windows base programming software:- it is windows software which is used in the every types of the field and it is created the games type,familiar life type and office type of projects.
    it is  operated  from the mouse setting click in the windows mod and it is most advance and popular software programs.Example:-visual basic programs(vb),Delphi programs etc.
*2)dos base programming software:- it is executed in the dos mode which is created the simple and complex type of the  projects for the office,familiar life and sports field and it is operated from the mouse setting click in the dos mod .Example:- c,c++, vac++,java etc.
*3)database programming software:-it is created the database projects which is collected the all data of any office and programs .it is stored the all data of the world in the computer about the any sectors.
Example:- ms Access, MySQL server,oracle etc.
*4)internet base programming software:-  it is executed in the online base which is created the any projects  in the the online base and distributed  it in the world which is operated in the all mode.Example:-,c#net, etc.
 *3) user(operator):-who is operating the system that is called operator and operated person is user(operator).Anyone person will be operator of the system.Example:- I,you ,all person etc.
*4)electricity:-it is power of the computer(system)which is operating the system.Without electricity computer never operate so that it is must important power of the system which is getting from the battery,generator and electricity.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Central Process Unit(CPU) or cashing:-

    It is main part of the computer which is operated the any system(computer) without CPU computer never boot so that it is main point for the computer which is working from the three process and it's process is very advance and difficult . Under the CPU there are very sub parts which name is divided in the many name and it's work is very complex.
   in the present time many CPU are presented they are produced according to people demanded and it's structure and another function are also difference and they are providing the effective types of the servicing to the people in the world.

 *working process of the CPU:-

*receive:-it takes any matters from the operator and working process is depended on the receiver massage
* give:-it gives the result to the operator according  to receiver massage and output result is depended on the operator's questions
*take and give:- it takes and gives the services from the user.

*power bottom:- it is operated the computer and it is opening and closing the system.
*reset bottom:- it is done the restart to the system.
*power switch:-it is indicator switch which is indicated the the computer on,off and internal function time. 

*Parts Of The CPU
hard disk:-it is stored all programming software which is booted the system.In the market many types of the hard disk are available which is divided in the many measurement .Every hard disk's skill is depended in their measurement and each year new type of the the hardware is come in the market which is depended in the customer's demanded and their ability so that is must important part of the CPU without hard ware computer can never operate.It is connected with the mother board from the cable

*measurement of the hard disk capacity :-
          8 bites                                              1 byte
             1024 bytes                                        1 kilo byte(Kb)
             1024 kilo bytes                                  1 mega byte(Mb)
             1024 mega bytes                               1  gig a byte (GB)     
             1024 gig a bytes                                1 Tera byte(Tb)

      In the present time operators are getting the gig a bytes(GB)  measurement hard disk which is divided in the difference name which name is depended in the measurement .Example 20 GB hard disk,40 GB hard disk,80 GB hard disk,160 GB hard disk etc.

mother board :-  it is mother of the all internal hardware parts of the CPU which is stored the all next hard ware parts from the slate and many cable which is operated according to mother board's rule. without bother board they can never do the any the function so that mother board's presented is next hard ware's presented.
     in the starting period system is displayed the some software in the monitor which is shown about the all next hard ware condition from the bios is getting the many types of the mother board which is depended on the market and it's structure and properties are also changing in the market and new technology is got according to the demand.
Structure of the mother board

mother board's CPU:-it is connected in the mother board and it is given the signal to the mother board for  starting and stopping.In the CPU there are many pin and pin less which is connected in the some place slate and it is main and sensitive  part of the mother board's.
 it's measurement ed is MHz which is defined in the many number.Example:- 500 MHz,600 MHz etc.

CPU'S FAN:- it is fan of the CPU which is controlled the power of the electric and it is helped the CPU for doing the function.It is important equipment of the CPU which is covered the CPU and saved it from the high voltage of the electric.

 Ram memory:- it is primary memory of the CPU which is main remembered part of the System without memory computer never boot and every function is starting from the memory's power which is divided in the many measurement and computer's power  speed is also depended in the memory's power.

  it's measurement is just like for hard disk which is defined in the many measurement's name
 Example:- 256 Mb, 512 Mb, 1 GB,2 GB etc.

*CD/DVD ROM READ AND WRITE(R/W) DRIVE:-It is transferred the data from the cd and  dvd card from the one computer into another computer and it is used to install the any software in the computer so that it is most important part of the CPU BOX.

 *POWER SUPPLY:-It is supplied the electric power in the CPU BOX which is most important parts of the computer for the supplying the power.

*DATA AND ELECTRIC CABLE:- It is transferred the data and transferred the power under the CPU BOX from the one part into another part.

*POWER,RESET AND MANY BUTTON:-It is switched bottom which is used to do the function on and off.




            Computer are becoming an intergral part of our everyday life.The popularity and use of computer is increasing day by day.The computers were very expensive and only used by scientists and engineers for research and development during 1960’s.It was used for process control in big induring 1970’s.But,after the development of personal computers(PC),the size and price of the computer decreased dramatically.So,the computers became affordable and available for personal use in home and offices.From 1990’s ,a new techonology that includes fast processing of information and transmitting that information from one place of world to another.Owing to the techonology,a person sitting at one corner of a globle can receive any information from other very fast and with ease.The moderd is combining communication Techology to IT,giving a new dimention commonly known as information and communication Techonogy (ICT).
            The development of the Internet and world wide web(wwb)has helped a lot to increase the use of computer.Nowdays,computer are used for all sort of activities and applications such as teaching,launching rockets,weather forecasting,banking and so on.
       computer is electronic device which is doing multiple types works in the any field with the easily and which is using for effective works in the multiple field .In the present time without computer any field won't be successfully with the 100%it is most advance type of the scientific machine which is done the all function of the any people of the world which is working from the self memory and it is known about the all tense(present tense,past tense and future tense) .In the present  time computer is most popular and closely  friend of the people and it is used in the any time and it is self device for the general people in the fut er without  computer people can't do the any work
        it is second man of the world which is known about the all tense(present tense,past tense and fut er tense) and done the any work with the speedily, effectively, attractively and accuracy. In the computer many kinds of the properties are available but that kind of the properties are not available in the any next type of the
electronic machine
            Computer is an electronic processing machine which accepts the data,internally process the data according to predefined instruction,produces the results throung processing and store those results for the future use.


        Computer is an electronic machine which performs logical and mathematical problems at a high speed.


Saturday, February 4, 2012


               Windows is a Graphical User Interface based programs.The elements of the GUI based system are : icons ,windows,dialog box,menus and other graphical elements.All these GUI controls appear in the desktop in the desktop and user can interact with them.

            The working area on the computer screen is known as desktop.Icons,menus,dialog box and menus display on the desktop.User interacts with the items that appear on the desktop to work with windows.
                        Icons and the taskbar are the permament features of the desktop and other items change depending on the type of work you are doing .Taskbar is placed at botton of desktop and it contains start button opens start menu.

    A small image displayed on the screen to represent and object is called icon.The objects can be file,Folder programs and storage devices.Icons allow user to control certain computer actions without having to remember commands .Icons take small size in the desktop and help to manage the desktop .Mouse is generally used to work with icons.Single  click selects the icons double click activites the icon and dragging the icon changes the positions of the icon in the desktop.

        The generally displayed icons in the desktop are: My Computer,My Documents,Internet Explorer and Recycle Bin.

Internet Explorer:-

          The Internet Explorer icon opens Internet Explorer programs.It is a web browser .And this program allows user to see the web pages i.e. browsing web site.The programs icons permanently displayed in desktop .Double click the program icon to open the programs.
       Open internet explorer program and type address of web site in the address bar and Example ://
My Computer:-

         This icon is also permanent features of windows desktop.It open My Computer windows which displayed and allows user to interact with all the drives connected to computer and system folders like control panel.Dial -up - Network etc.
Recycle Bin
        This icon opens the Recycle Bin folder which stores deleted files or folders .It is useful when you have deleted the nececssary files and folders.Click the Restore All in the recycle bin to restore all the deleted files  in their original locations.


           A menu is a list of commands or instructions that tells your computer to performs an actions such as opening a programs or saving a document. The main menu associated with windows is the start menu.Most software programs have their own menus that your become familiar with as you use the programs.You will usually find these menus at the top of the programs windows in an area called the menu bar.In windows you use menus,cascading menus,submenus,and shortcut menus.Menu is used by mouse or by the keyboard .Mouse is used to point and select menu.Keyboard is used to specify te shortcut keys to select menus and commands .Press ESC key to deselect the menu item.

        Shorcut menus are those menus,which you open by right -clicking and object or area on the desktop or in a program windows.The commands available on a shortcut menu depend on the location of the pointer when it is clicked.For example ,the windows desktop shortcut menu allows you to create shortcuts and arrange shortcut icons as well as customize your Active Desktop.

     Keyboard shortcuts can be used to access menu.Press ALT key and underlined letters of the main menu to use commands in menu.For example :ALT +F  to select file menu .Other keyboard shortcuts associated with commands are seen in right side of command in the drop down menu.Use these shortcut for quick access to command for example : CTRL +N  to open commands new document.

Start Menu:
         This is main menu associated with windows.The following are descriptions of the commands on the default start menu:

      Opens the Run dialog box.You can type the name of a program,folder,document or Internet resource and windows opens it for you.There is also a Browse button to help you find what you want to open.

Control Pannel:
       The Control Panel opens a new windows in which we can change different windows in which we can change different setting of the computer

My Recent Document:-
      Gives quick access to the files that you have opened recently.
      Open dialog box to find files and folders,Computers etc. 
Help and Support:
      Open Help window
All Programs
      Opens the Programs menu which contains shortcuts to the software programs on your computer or that are available on your computer network including Windows Explorer and the Windows Accessories.
Turn off:
      Opens shut down dialog bot to shut down computer.
Log off:
      Logs off the computer without shutting down your computer.

Conventions Used in Menus
       You can notice some differences in menu items of the menu when they are displayed .These visual indications describe the menu item.Some standard conventions are used in the menus to give more information about them.Some menu conventions followed are:

Windows Control Menu
     A standard windows control menu(system menu) is associated with each application program running in the windows.This menu provides the facilities to manipulate the windows .
Selecting control menu:
Using mouse:-
Click on the application icon on the left corner of the title bar.
Using keyboard:-
Use ALT+Spacebar simultaneously.


             Microsoft windows is a Graphical User Interface based operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation U.S.A. It is also refered as Windows or MS Windows .It allows user to enter command with a point and click device such as mouse.Commands are given by clicking icon or by using menus .Its GUI environment makes it easy to use and user friendly operating system.
            It was initially released during mid  1980s to replace Command -line User Interface of Dos by extending it with name Windows 3.0.Later it was released in early 1990's as Windows 95.There are several version of windows.They are Windows 3.X.Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows ME and Widnows XP. Each new version comes up with some new features and advancement

           The main features of Windows are Graphical User Interface,Support to lates multimedia and communication technologies,fully web intergrated user interface,improved reliablitity and multitasking

 Advantages of Windows
  1.   Windows can run more than one program at a time.
  2.   Windows provides easy to use Graphical User Interface.
  3.   It is easier to add new programs and to configure new hardware in Windows.
  4.   File management is easy in Widows and it can support long file names.
  5.  The interface of Windows based programs is similar,so it is easy to learn.
  6.  Windows is a multiuser programs.
  7.   It provides facilities to transfer files between the computer and excellent network support.
 Functions of Widows:-
            The functions of windows are given below:-
  1.      It provides Graphical User Interface to the user to interface with the computer.
  2.      It runs other Widows based programs like MS-Word,Excel.
  3.      It manages the information in file and folders.
  4.      It provides utility software to improve the functionality of the computer such as
                Starting and Exiting Windwos
Starting Windows:-     
        Turn on your computer.After sometime the windows operating system installed in your computer is loaded .Enter your username and password in the login screen.
    After your are log in a desktop is displayed to you.

Exiting Windows and shutting Down the Computer
  1.      Save any documents you have been working with and then close any programs that are running .Click the start button to open the start menu.
  2.  Click Log Off if you want the computer to remain on but don't want other user to have access to your personal user profile.Click Shut Down turn off or restart the computer .The Shut Down Windows dialog box opens

3.    Choose Stand by or Turn off or Restart and then click OK.
        If you choose stand by,the computer will appear to shut off.If you choose Turn off wait for windows to turn off the computer .If you choose Restart,Windows will exit and then automatically start again.

  Mouse and its Activities

      It windows the mouse is the fool you use most often to performs tasks and navigate through the operating system .The on screen mouse pointer is used to point the GUI elements There are five basic actions you can perform with the mouse:point click double-click right-click and drag.
      To point with the mouse,simply position the on-screen mouse pointer over GUI elements the appearance of the  mouse pointer depends on the GUI element pointed .Sometimes when you point to an object and hover over it a small box called a tool tip will appear that contains a you point to an object .When you point to some objects ,the mouse pointer changes shape alerting you to the fact that you can perform some kind of command .For example when the pointer turns into hand with a pointing finger you are pointing to a clickable item such as a hyperlink.A two - headed arrow allows you to resize an object.

Normal Windows
Diagonal Resize 1
Help Select
Diagonal Resize 2
Working in Background
Alternate Select
Precision Select
Link Select(Hyperlink)
Text Select
Vertical Resize
Horizontal Resize

           Click means to press the primary (left) mouse button.Clicking an item makes it active.Double -click means pressing the left mouse button twice quickly.Double clicking executes command.Right-click means to press the secondary (right) mouse button.Right clicking displays the shortcut menu.Drag means to move the object by mouse pointer.To drag an object with the mouse pointer,point to the objects,press and hold down the left mouse button and move.When you have moved the object where you want it release the mouse button to drop the objects.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


                          *Microsoft word is windows application software of the computer which is included in the office package  all software and it is used to create the any type of the documents of the all type of the offices,programs and any locations.
                            It is most important software for written the any type of the documents so that it is studied in the first time in the basic level.It's software structure  is changed according to versions.
Microsoft Word 2003's Structure:- 








  1. Click On Start
  2. Go On Programs(All Programs)
  3. Go  On Microsoft Office
  4. Go On Microsoft word 2003 and Click On

  1. Click On Start
  2. Go On Run And Click On
  3. Write the "winword"
  4. Click on Ok

*Title_Bar:- It is used to move the programs hither and dither from the mouse press
*Menu_Bar:-It is done the all function of the programs from the many menus 
*New:- It is open the new documents in the program
  1. Click on file
  2. Go on New and click on
  3. Click on ok or create
*Save:- It is saved the document in the any name that is called the file which is available in  the any name
  1. Click on file
  2. Go on save and click on
  3. Put the any name(p1,p2....................)
  4. Click  on save
*Save as:-It  is saved the same file  in the another name.

  1. Put the file in any name
  2. Click on file
  3. Go on save as and click on
  4. Put the another name(p1,p2..................)
  5. Click  on save
*Close:-It is used to close the file 

  1. Click on file
  2. Go on close and click on
*Open:-It is opened the any required file

  • Click on file
  • Go on open and click on
  • Click  on any required file name(p1,p2....................)
  • Click on open(ok)
*Send to:-It is used to send the file in the internet browser.
*Properties:-It is shown the all properties of the microsoft word.
*Exit:-It is close the as whole program.
*Password:-It is a type of the lock which is locked the file from the any letters,numbers and any signs.
 *Put the password in the file:- 
  • Save the file in the any name
  • Click on file 
  • Go on save as and click on
  • Click on tools
  • Go on security Options (General Options) and click on
  • Put the any password or type the any password
  •  Click on ok
  •  Reput the same password or retype the same
  •  Click on ok
  •  Click on save
  •  Close the file
  •  Open the file
  •  Put the correct password
  •  Click on open or ok
*Delete the password:- 

  • Open the file from the password
  • Click on file
  • Go on save as and click on
  • Click on tools
  • Go  on security Option or General Options and click on
  • Delete the password from the press the delete bottom
  • Click on Ok
  • Click on save
  • Close the file
  • Open the file



·        It is created the dos programers
·        It is created the out of software developer
·        It is fixed commands which is not changed
·        It is not fixed commands which is changed according to time
·        It is must importante commands for the dos
·        It is not must impotante for the for the dos
·        It is supported of the all versions dos to the all enternal commands
·        It is not supported of the all versions dos to the new external commmands
·        Some example enternal commands are in below:-
·        Some example external commans are in below:-

·        It is used to create the new external commands
·        It is not used to create the new enternal commands
·        It is not new technology commands
·        It is new technology commands
·        It is not produced the according to market’s demand
·        It is produced the according to market’s demand and earn the money