Friday, January 27, 2012


On the basis  of Model:-

On the basis  of Model:-

 Personal Computer are divided into three types on the basis of model.They are:-

1.      XT(Extended Technology)
2.      AT(Advanced Technology)
3.      PS/2(Personal System/2)

XT Computer:-


                       The computers which uses 8086 or 8088 microprocessor and have processing speed of 4.77 MHz is known as XT(Extended Technology) Computer.It is comparatively less flexible and slower than other models. XT computers cannot run latest version of software and programs.

AT Computer:-

                       The computer which uses 80286,80386,80486 series of microprocessors are called AT(Advanced Technology ) computer .AT computers are faster than XT computers .The memory capacity of AT computer is large.The processing speed is very high in the latest version of AT computers.The AT computers have addition provision to keep co-processor which helps in processing of complex mathematical calculation in s short time.The co-processor enhances the processing capability of the main processor
                       The co-processor used in respective main processor in AT computers are:-

PS/2 Computer:-

                       In 1990,IBM developed another model of computer called Personal System -2 (PS/2) These model of computers are faster and efficient than AT model and based of new refined architectural design .Most of the computers developed after 1990,including laptop computer belongs to PS/2 model.

                       The computers which uses 8086 or 8088 microprocessor and have processing speed of 4.77 MHz is known as XT(Extended Technology) Computer.It is comparatively less flexible and slower than other models. XT computers cannot run latest version of software and programs.

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