Originally,the term generation was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies In 1962 AD,International Conference of Computer Scienttist was held.In the conference scientists decided to give generations for the development of computer.The development of computer took place in five distinct phases known computer generations.Each generation is characterized by dramatic improvement over the previous generation in the technology used to built them.Different kinds of memory units were used in different generations .Vaccum tubes were used as memory device in first generation computer Transistors were used as memory devices in second generation computer .Integrated Circuits were used as memory devices in third generation computer and fourth generation computer by using microchips.This fifth generation of computer was planned to use Biochips,Very Larg Scale Intergrated Circuit and Artificial Intelligence as it main features.Through remarkable products and outstanding result are produced in this phase.Fifth generation computer has not yet fully developed Instead computer are developing in different other new dimentions.
Evalution of modern computer are classified into five generations based on their speed capacity,reliability,main components used and programming language used them.
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