Friday, January 27, 2012



            Specifies the location from which you want to copy file or set of files.Source can consists a file name or path of filename .It is required.


            Specifies the location to which you want to copy a file.Destination can consists of a file name or path of filename.


            C:\>COPY D:\WINDOWS\ABC.DATE:\BOSS --------press enter

It copies the file ABC.DAT of the WINDOWS subdirectory of D:drive to the BOSS sub directory of the E:drive

C:\COPY :\*.COM D:\-------------press enter

It copies all the fields having extension .COM extension from drive A: to drive D:

C:\COPY A:\SANU + SUNITA C:\ROSHAN---------press enter

To merge and copy the files SANU and SUNITA from A: drive to C: drive as name.

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