Friday, January 27, 2012



Ms-Dos in acronym for Microsoft Operating System.It is Command –line User Interface(CUI) based operating system.It is extended version of CP/M(Control Program for Micro computers).It is developed for IBM PC and IBM compatible computers.MS – DOS  like other operating system performs operations of input output management ,many internal functions related to program execution ,file management and memory management.MS-DOS is a single –tasking,single –user operating system with a command –line interface.


            In 1980 International Business Machine Corporation (IBM) chose Microsoft to write the operating system for the IBM PC,to be introduced the following year.Microsoft purchase 86-DOS from Seattle programmer Tim Paterson for $50,000,modified it ,and renamed is MS- DOS.As part of its contract with IBM,Microsoft was permitted to license the operating system to other companies .By 1984  Microsoft had licensed MS-DOS to 200 personal computer manufactures,making MS-DOS the standard operating system personal computers.

Improtant Features of MS-DOS:-

            The important features of MS-DOS are as follows:

  1. It is single user operating system.
  2. It can coexist with other operating system in the same drive.
  3. It manages files in hierarchical order
  4. It supports different languages.
  5. It supports print language,
  6. It supports both hard disk and floppy disk.
  7. It is single tasking operating system,
  8. It has CUI interface.

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