Thursday, January 26, 2012


First Generation of Computer (1946-1958)

The first generation computer,were development during 1946 to 1958.They used large number of vacuum tubes as the electronic circuit and storage media.Vaccum tube was development by Lee Deforest in 1908 AD. They were large in size,very slow in speed.They consumed a lot of power and produced a lot of heat.They used machine language for writing the programs. This made programming extremely difficult and time consuming.

EX:- ENIAC computer


Features of first generation computer are:-

·         They used a vacuum tube as a electronic circuit and a magnetic drum as a primary storage.
·         They were extremely large and occupied a very large space.
·         They consumed a lot of power and generated a lot of heat.
·         They used machine level language for writing the programs,which was tedious and time consuming.
·         They had low level of accurancy and reliability.
·         They were restricted to commercial and scientific application.

Drawbacks of first generation computer:-

·        It was very teidious to write programs for mathematical and logical operation.
·        Vacuum tubes get hot frequently.So,it was very difficult for their maintence
·        These computers were expensive as well.

Some example (model) of first generation computers and their manufactures are listed below:-

Manufactured by
  Moore School or Electrical Engineering
  Cambridge University
   Mark – II,Mark-III,IBM 604,IBM 650
    IBM 720,IBM 704,IBM 705,IBM 709
    IBM CRC,IBM 102A,IBM 1023

   Bizmac – I, Bizmac – II

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