Thursday, January 26, 2012




ABC                =                      Atansoff Berry Computer
IBM                =                      International Business Machine
ENIAC           =                      Electronic Numerical Intergrator and Calculator
EDSAC           =                      Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
EDVAC          =                      Electonic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
UNIVAC        =                      Universal Automatic Computer
NCC                =                      National Computer Center
HLCIT                        =                      High Commision for Infromaton Technology
IT                    =                      Information Technology.


  • An Abacus is one of the first calculating devices created by Chinese men about 5500 year ago.
  • Napier’s Bone was invented by a Scottish mathematician John Napier in 1617 AD.
  • Slide Rule was invented by William Oughtred in 1620 AD.
  • Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician invented the first mechanical calculating machine called Pascaline in 1642 AD.
  • Speeded Reckoner was invented by Gottfied Von Leibnitz in 1671 AD.
  • Joseph Marie Jacquard invented an automatic weaving machine called loom in 1801AD.
  • Charles Babbage developed Difference Engine in 1822 A.D. and Analytical Engine in 1833 A.D.He is known as the father of computer programmer.
  • Lady Ada is known as the first computer programmer.
  • Tabulating Machine was invented by Herman Hollenrith.
  • In 1945 AD John Von Newmann introduced the concept of having stored program in meomory

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