Friday, January 27, 2012


Directory Sub-directory

                       Folder is container of files and sub-folders .It is organization of related file and folders. It is also known as directory .The directory contain both file and sub- directories

                       A directory inside a directory is known as sub-directory or child directory and the directory that contains the child directory is known as parent directory.The directory that contains all directories and is  in the topmost hierarchy in directory structure is known as root directory

Text Box: C:Root directory

Text Box: WindowsParent directory

Text Box: DesktopChild /Sub -directory


            A path is the route followed by the operating system in finding ,storing and retrieving files on a disk .In MS-DOS and Windows operating system as they use hierarchical file system a path is the course leading from the root directory of a drive such as C ot a particular file path can include any number of sub-directories up to the maximum length of the pathname allowed by the system .Each directories are seprarated by slash(\)

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